Easy Crafts For Seniors With Dementia
Written by Brian B

5 Easy Crafts For Seniors With Dementia

Easy Crafts For Seniors With Dementia

Below are 5 of the best craft ideas for seniors suffering from dementia!

Best Crafts For Seniors With Dementia

When you are looking for ideas for the best crafts for someone suffering from dementia, try to pick some activities that do not have a right or wrong way of accomplishing the task. Use these crafts to both encourage and engage with the senior. These fun activities listed below have been proven to reduce depression and agitation. Remember safety always comes first, so eliminate any potential dangers or risks ahead of time. Check out some of the best craft ideas below.

1. Make A Scrapbook

Making a scrapbook requires more supplies than any other activity on this list. For this craft you will need catalogs, magazines, newspapers, a notebook and scissors. Have your loved one look through the literature and cut out any pictures, words or letters that they’d like. Piece all of this together and enjoy the fun project!

Supplies Needed:

  • Scissors
  • Glue stick
  • Magazines, newspapers and/or catalogs

2. Homemade Play Dough

Every age group can still have fun with play dough! Let your loved one’s creativity and youthful energy take over as they start this craft. Make sure you have a few cookie cutters on hand to make this project easier. You can store the play dough anywhere except in the refrigerator. Stay away from any toxic play dough mixes. Adding a few drops of essential oils can make this craft even more relaxing.

Supplies Needed:

  • Play dough
  • Essential oils
  • Cookie cutters

3. Magnetic Letters

See what words the senior can create when you spread magnetic letters across a baking sheet. This is a terrific craft designed for mental stimulation. One other way of doing this craft is by having the senior organize the letters in some way, perhaps by shape or color.

Supplies Needed:

  • Magnetic letters
  • Baking sheet

Magnetic Letters

4. Flower Arrangements

For seniors who previously enjoyed planting and gardening in their own backyards, this is a great activity. Arranging flowers can take them back to a more pleasant time while allowing for some creativity, all at once. Loved ones typically enjoy participating in this task, as well.

Supplies Needed:

  • Artificial flowers
  • Florist foam
  • Plastic vase

5. Pipes And Fittings

As homeowners, a lot of these current dementia patients did plenty of handywork around the house. This type of task can do wonders for one’s morale and self-esteem. It’s wise to design crafts to spark memories and bring a sense of purpose to a senior’s life. All you must do here is gather some fittings and PVC piping.

Supplies Needed:

  • Fittings
  • PVC piping
  • Elbows and T-joints

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